My wife Susan and I traveled 3 hours west to Pittsburg June 17-20 to attend my first Inpex convention, which is billed as “America’s Largest Invention Show”. We were there to introduce a patent-pending product I was developing called Portion Pacer™, a fun and simple to use diet aid that teaches you portion control. We were not at all sure what to expect, and wondered if the expense of reserving a booth and attending this show would be worth it. Would we get traffic to the booth? Would we make relationships with individuals and companies that could help us move forward with Portion Pacer™ in regards to licensing or (if required) manufacturing? Would we get a chance to pitch Portion Pacer™ to QVC and the As Seen on TV product folks?

As it turns out, the show was definitely a success and well worth attending. We were able to pitch our product, make valuable contacts and, most importantly, we got such positive feedback on Portion Pacer™ that we knew we had a winning product idea and needed to keep moving forward.